Das Studium von mikroskopischen Organismen, wie Bakterien, Viren, Pilzen, Archaeen oder Protozoen erfordert die richtige Ausrüstung. Von Objektträgern über Petrischalen, Wachstumsmedien, ... Lesen Sie mehr
Das Studium von mikroskopischen Organismen, wie Bakterien, Viren, Pilzen, Archaeen oder Protozoen erfordert die richtige Ausrüstung. Von Objektträgern über Petrischalen, Wachstumsmedien, Reagenzgläsern oder Impfösen können die klinischen Aspekte von Mikroorganismen, die eine Wirtsantwort auf solche Erreger beinhalten, bei Bioactiva abgedeckt werden.
Hardy Diagnostics Blood Agar products are recommended for use as general purpose growth media for the isolation, cultivation, and differentiation of a wide variety of microorganisms.
Hardy Diagnostics Blood Agar products are recommended for use as general purpose growth media for the isolation, cultivation, and differentiation of a wide variety of microorganisms.
Hardy Diagnostics Brain Heart Infusion (BHI) Agar is a general purpose nutrient medium recommended for the cultivation and isolation of a variety of microorganisms, including bacteria, yeasts, and molds.
Hardy Diagnostics Selective Strep Agar is a selective medium recommended for use in the primary isolation of all Streptococcus species, including streptococcal groups A.
Hardy Diagnostics Campy Cefex Agar, Modified plates are recommended for the selective isolation of cephalothinresistant
Campylobacter species such as C. jejuni , C. coli , and C. lari from human, animal, or food samples.
Hardy Diagnostics GBS Detect™ is recommended for the isolation and differentiation by enhanced hemolysis of detection of gamma-hemolytic (non-hemolytic) Group B Streptococcus from GBS enrichment broth procedures.
Hardy Diagnostics GBS Detect™ is recommended for the isolation and differentiation by enhanced hemolysis of detection of gamma-hemolytic (non-hemolytic) Group B Streptococcus from GBS enrichment broth procedures.
Hardy Diagnostics AnaeroGRO™ Chopped Meat Media is recommended for the cultivation of microaerophilic, facultative and obligate anaerobic microorganisms, especially Clostridium species.
Hardy Diagnostics AnaeroGRO™ Chopped Meat Media is recommended for the cultivation of microaerophilic, facultative and obligate anaerobic microorganisms, especially Clostridium species.
Hardy Diagnostics AnaeroGRO™ Campylobacter Selective Agar is recommended for the selective isolation of Campylobacter jejuni subsp. jejuni from stool specimens. Growth of normal fecal flora is inhibited on this medium.