Auf Lager
SKU/Catalog Number

Katalognummer: PCCSKU15274

Method: RT-PCR

Weitere Informationen
Intended UsePHOENIXDX® SARS-COV-2 MUTANT SCREEN [T265I] is a real-time RT-PCR-based test system for the in vitro discrimination between wildtype SARS-CoV-2 and T265I mutant SARS-CoV-2 in respiratory specimens and sera.
Expiry date10-12 Monate
CertificationFor Research Only
CompanyProcomcure Biotech GmbH
Storage condition-20°C
Materials Provided
  • 1x 100 µl 20X RT Enzyme Mix
  • 1x 400 µl 5X MTS Buffer
  • 1x 100 µl WT/ T265I Assay Mix
  • 1x 100 µl TPC SC2 WT 2
  • 1x 100 µl TPC SC2 Mutant 2
Product NumberPCCSKU15274
HerstellerProcomcure Biotech GmbH
ZertifizierungFor research only
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